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Mistakes To Avoid While Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets


Mistakes To Avoid While Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets

There are various faults that you are likely to make while spray painting kitchen cabinets and these blunders can harm the quality of your job. What appears to be little movement may eventually result in a sour finish that entirely damages your cabinets.


In this blog, we look at some of the mistakes that homeowners make while repainting their kitchen cabinets. There are many mistakes, but we strive to cover as many as possible. So, read the blog to the end to learn what mistakes to avoid.


Unable To Prepare A Budget

One of the first mistakes that novices make is failing to create a budget. Kitchen cabinet painting necessitates the purchase of labor supplies and tools. If you don't know how much you'll need to acquire all of the supplies upfronts, you can end up settling for cheaper, lower-quality products in the end. Quality materials are essential for a quality job, and quality materials are expensive.


To be safe, make a budget and list all the products you need to buy and how much they will cost. Once you have the funds, you may purchase them all and schedule a date to repaint your kitchen cabinet.

Unable To Remove Cabinet Doors, Shelves, And Other Hardware

Some people believe that can complete a proper painting job while the kitchen cabinet doors and shelves remain in place, but this is not true. If you leave them in situ, it won't be easy to reach specific areas with your brush. It's a good idea to take out the drawers and doors so you can paint everything. It is a good idea to disassemble &identify the pieces for easy identification so that when it comes time to install them, you will have no trouble.

Unable To Clean/Wash The Cabinet Before Painting

The finish's quality will decrease if dirt and grime are not removed from the cabinet surface. Stains have a nasty habit of destroying your paint and making your cabinet look worse than before you painted it.


Before painting your cabinets, we recommend cleaning them with a mixture of dish soap and liquid degreaser. Can use a slight brush to reach locations that your sponge cannot.


Unable To Remove Old Paint

Covering existing paint with new paint is a terrible idea when spraying painting kitchen cabinets, and it is particularly true if the previous color is peeling. If it is still intact, you can cover it with new paint; if not, scrape it off before repainting.


Leaving Spaces Unfilled

It would be preferable if you did not leave exposed holes in the cabinet boxes and shelves, and painting a holey cabinet will highlight the gaps even more. Before painting, professionals fix holes with filler and level the surfaces with sanding grits.


Surface Sanding Failure

Another common kitchen cabinet painting blunder is forgetting to sand surfaces. Sanding is an essential element of the job that should not overlook. Failure to sand will result in rough and uneven surfaces, and these leftover pieces will eventually chip and wear. After applying a primer or filler, sand the area once the substance has dried.


Failure To Prepare The Work Environment

While the kitchen cabinet is your primary focus, you will not be able to complete the process perfectly if you do not prepare the work environment for the task at hand. Painting even the smallest kitchen cabinets takes time, and the last thing you want is to slow down your job. It is why you must remove any impediment to your workflow. Protect surfaces and kitchen appliances with protectors to avoid staining. Unable to do so will result in stains that would require hours to remove.

Unable To Prime

To ensure that the paint adheres to the surface, prep the cabinet first. Priming makes your task more accessible, which is why it advises. Many homeowners who repaint their kitchen cabinets say that the paint peels off in certain places because they did not prime first. The basic norm is to use a primer before painting.


Only Paint Once

Cabinets in the kitchen should paint twice, not once. The first painting acts as a foundation, while the second provides a balanced appearance. If you paint your cabinet and its pieces once, don't be shocked if it dries with an uneven finish, with some parts having less paint and others having more.


Incorrect Material Use

Paints, primers, and fillers all have a preferred application method. If they are employed incorrectly, the consequence will be negative. Improper use results in waste and unpleasant results; therefore, don't be in a rush to use work materials. Take your time reading the user instructions first to ensure the best results.


Using the incorrect paint

There are various types of paint, and not all of them are suitable for kitchen cabinets. The best cabinet paints are those with a high shine or gloss. These varieties are rarely discolored, and when they are, the stains remove easily. Colors with a lower front, on the other hand, are difficult to keep clean. It would help if you also thought about the color. Colors that match the wall paint should avoid.


Parts Are Not Labeled

Must remove the doors, drawers, and other elements throughout the operation to gain unfettered access to the box, but they may be difficult to replace. If you don't identify the box, you'll be puzzled when it comes time to put them back together. Installing the right doors in the incorrect frames will result in other issues.


Making Use Of Thick Paint

Spray painting kitchen cabinets necessitates long-lasting paints rather than those that peel off after a short period. Using thick paint may appear to be a good idea, but it will begin to flake off after a while. Rather than using thick paint, use a thin one and coat it twice. Lighter colors outlast thicker paints.


Failure To Allow The Paint To Dry

Some homeowners are frequently impatient to finish the project so that they may go on to other things, but this can be detrimental. What is worthwhile is worthwhile to do well. Allow the cabinet to dry completely before installing the items for the best results. Depending on the weather, it could take hours or days, so be patient. If the surface is not dry, the paint will begin to chip quickly.


Hire A Professional To Repaint Your Kitchen Cabinets

If you don't have the time to paint your kitchen cabinet, you can hire an expert to do it for you. Luckily for you, ASASA Kitchen is an expert kitchen renovation company working in Toronto, and we are giving service to you. We handle general home painting projects, and kitchen cabinet repainting is one of the numerous services we provide. Our kitchen cabinet repaint service is indeed a first-class service that will extend the shelf life of your cabinet.


We have offered these services to our clients for over ten years now, and they can testify about how well we handle the job. Contact us today for a free assessment.



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